Thursday, September 29, 2016

Opvolg: Yster Fouché aangeval

Hermanus Times Thu, 29 Sep 2016
‘Dief’ kom tweede teen Yster

’n Inwoner van Vermont se skrotum is halfpad afgeskeur, hy is gebyt en met pepersproei gespuit, deur dit alles het hy steeds nie die inbreker laat los nie.

Yster Fouché het ’n inbreker in sy huis gevang, maar in die proses het hy verskeie beserings, insluitend sy skrotum wat geskeur is, opgedoen.

Yster Fouché van Malmokstraat het verbete een van twee inbrekers probeer keer om nie te voet te vlug alvorens die polisie opgedaag het nie, nadat hy die inbrekers Maandag in die vroeë oggendure in sy huis betrap het.

Sy vrou, Debbie, vertel: “Ek het sleg geslaap en iets in die kombuis gehoor. Ek het eers gedink dis my seun Roché, maar die geluide het anders geklink.”
Sy het vir Yster wakker gemaak om ondersoek in te stel. “Die inbrekers moes hoor ons praat, want toe Yster om die draai in die kombuis kom, het hul reeds begin hardloop.”

Yster het die een inbreker in hul tuin platgeduik, terwyl die ander inbreker oor ’n hoë muur ontsnap het. “Die inbreker het verwoed baklei om weg te kom. Hy het ’n mes in sy sak gehad en dit probeer uithaal, maar Yster het terugbaklei. Selfs ná die inbreker vir Yster twee keer met pepersproei in sy oë gespuit het, het Yster nie laat los nie.”

Debbie het intussen Safe Sekuriteit gebel, en binne drie minute was Safe daar, met die Polisie en ADT kort op hul hakke.

Die inbreker is op die toneel in hegtenis geneem en Yster is na die hospitaal gehaas.
Sy beserings sowel as die omgekeerde tuin, met stukkende potplante, bebloede patio en modder oral, vertel die storie van hoe erg Yster werklik moes veg om sy familie teen die inbreker te beskerm.

Yster is in die hospitaal behandel vir sy beserings. Letterlik van kop tot tone. Hy het verskeie steke in sy skrotum gekry, ook is die verskeie, diep bytmerke en kopwonde behandel. Sy oog is blou en hy het ’n sny bo-op sy kop.

Hy is tans op antiretrovirale behandeling, aangesien die inbreker sy arms en hande, met sy tande, deur sy vel, deurboor het toe hy hom gebyt het.

Na die tyd het Debbie haar rekenaar en drukker in die tuin opgetel. Haar handsak het sy voor in die pad gevind, maar haar beursie is weg.

Hulle het ook die volgende dag op menslike ontlasting in die agtertuin afgekom.

Dit blyk die inbrekers het ’n venster aan die agterkant van die huis oop forseer om toegang tot die huis te verkry.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Yster Fouché (50) attacked at his Hermanus home

Yster Fouché (50) attacked at his Hermanus home.
28 September 2016
Posted by Theresé de Bruin

Lichelle Marais, Yster's sister, reported on the 27th of September via WhatsApp that he was attacked by a black male the same morning.

Details regarding attack is unclear.

Also reported by his daugter, Bianca, via Facebook:

Vandag se wereld is so wreed....... 

Yster Fouche jy is definitief my grootste held......Ek is so dankbaar PA is okay ek kan nie glo dit het gebeur nie .

( Hier is solank fotos ons kan nou nie alles wys nie maar kan wel dit wys )

Lief Pa xoxoxooxoxoxxoxooxox

Photos via Lichelle Marais - WhatsApp.

Tannie Karin Horn (76) aangeval 29Aug te Eendract

@afriforum @steve_hofmeyr Ons het idees/hulp nodig met tannie Karin Horn se hosp rekening asb. Aangeval 29Aug Eendract. Geen medies
27 September 2016

@afriforum @steve_hofmeyr Reeds R170,000 betaal, sy het verswak, laaste 2 weke in ICU. Rekening nou reeds R280,000

@KurtOfficial Ons beplan n golfdag vir tannie Karin Horn(76) aangeval se trustfonds. Kan jy asb email besonderhede gee vir n uitnodiging?

Tweets deur Reinette Reyneke:


Rowers Rand Bejaarde Aan
TOPICS: 76-jarigevrou Aangerand Op Eendracht
Evander Hospitaal Karin Horn
Rowers Rand Bejaarde Aan Tokkie Reinecke
’n 76-jarige vrou is pimpel en pers geslaan toe vier mans haar in haar huis op Eendracht aangeval het.
Karin Horn het Maandagaand (29 Augustus) haar werker wat in ’n buitekamer op die erf woon, by die deur gewaar.
Sy het deur toe gestap en gesien daar is ’n onbekende man saam met hom.
Dié man het die werker gedwing om die agterdeur oop te maak waarna nog drie onbekende mans te voorskyn gekom het.
Hulle het die bejaarde na haar slaapkamer gesleep.
Hier het hulle geld geëis en wou weet waar is die kluis.
Die booswigte het haar met ’n voorwerp oor die kop geslaan en haar gewurg.
Hulle het haar werker se selfoon en skootrekenaar gesteel, asook haar selfoon en bankkaarte vóór hulle hul slagoffers in Karin se Nissan-bakkie ingedwing en met hulle weggery het.
Karin het vermoedelik haar bewussyn verloor terwyl hulle met haar rondgery het.
Hulle het toe langs die pad gestop, haar uit die bakkie gesmyt en vir dood agtergelaat.
Sy het dié skriknag in die donker begin stap en moes met tye kruip om by beskawing uit te kom.
Volgens haar vriendin, Tokkie Reinecke, het talle motoriste verbygery sonder om Karin te help.
Lede van die Leandra-polisiestasie het haar langs die pad gewaar en stilgehou.
Hulle het haar na die die kliniek in Lebohang geneem vanwaar sy na Evander Hospitaal gestuur is.
Die werker is ook aangerand en is op ’n ander plek afgelaai.
Die polisie het die gesteelde bakkie die volgende dag (Dinsdag, 30 Augustus) naby Lebohang gekry.
Die voertuig was uitgebrand.
* In ’n ander vooval naby Bethal, is Danie Beukes en sy vrou Maandagoggend (29 Augustus) op hul plaas aangeval.
Hy het sy vrou hoor skreeu en in vier mans met messe vasgeloop toe hy ondersoek ingestel het.
Die mans het gevra waar die eienaar van die plaas was en het die huissleutel geëis.
Hulle het die egpaar die huis ingedwing, hulle vasgebind en die huis deursoek.
Hulle het wapens en kontant gesteel en met die boer se bakkie gevlug.
Die Beukes-egpaar het ná ure geslaag om te los te breek en het die polisie ontbied. Bethal-polisiestasie se woordvoerder, konst.

Thomas Mogadime, het boere gemaan om alarms by hul huise aan te bring en vir hul huiswerkers paniek-knoppies te gee wat hulle kan gebruik in noodgevalle. – Jana Oosthuizen.

Karin Horn is erg aangerand.

Karin Horn (76) se bakkie is naby Lebohang gevind.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Leon (60) & Petro (57) van Lill attacked

'I could have lost her' - former cop on wife who was stabbed
26 September 2016

Cape Town – A couple have been left traumatised after three men sabotaged their bakkie and launched at them with a knife in Durbanville at the weekend.
The attack on Friday night was such a close call, said Leon van Lill, that the blade which penetrated his wife Petro’s shoulder missed a neck artery by 3cm.
Both their phones were taken.
"We are just lucky that the stabbing wasn’t to the one side, because then it would have been fatal," he told News24.
"It was bad, but could have been worse. This has been a learning curve."
Van Lill, 60, a building contractor, and his wife, 57, chairperson of the Durbanville Netball Club, attended her year-end function at the sports complex on Friday night.
They locked up just before midnight and headed to their convoy of three cars, arranged for safety reasons beforehand.
'You just black out and fight for survival'
Two of the cars slowly drove off, but Van Lill struggled to get his bakkie started. His car had been tampered with and the back tyre punctured.
Three men came out the darkness and ripped the driver’s door open, while he was outside the bakkie. He tried getting in and locking the car, but they kept stopping him.
"It was dark and I couldn’t see their faces. They came at me again and again," Van Lill said.
They moved to his wife’s side, opened the door, stabbed her, grabbed her phone and came back to him. Now inside the bakkie, he used his door as a shield.
He eventually jumped out and shouted at them. They ran off.
His son rushed to the scene and towed their car to the hospital.
Petro was stitched up and later discharged.
"Afterwards, it hits you and you think about what you could have done," said the former policeman.
"When you are in that position, you just black out and fight for survival."
He said the club had had crime problems in the past.
'We have to do something'
Locks were broken, rude messages were scrawled in chalk on the courts, and vehicles were broken into.
"My wife has built up that club in 17 years. They have practices in the evening. We want young people to do sports, but don’t want them to be in danger.
"I could have lost her. We have to do something.”
Van Lill believed that tik (methamphetamine) was to blame for the attack.
He planned to speak to his local councillor, the police and other relevant parties. He recommended that motorists keep pepper spray in their cubbyholes.
Western Cape police confirmed they were investigating a case of armed robbery.
Lieutenant Colonel Andre Traut said no arrests had yet been made.

DANIEL Stewart (77) assaulted

Elderly man assaulted on highway
The CHRONICLE is still awaiting a police statement from the station commander.
Lucky Thusi | 26 September 2016

DANIEL Stewart (77), from Glenanda, was reportedly assaulted by two men on the Golden Highway, in the direction of Eldorado Park, on Wednesday, September 21.
According to his wife, Dawn, he was travelling on the highway during the day when he saw people who were directing traffic and thought there might be an accident ahead. However, it was just a ploy used by the criminals.

“When he stopped to try to find out what had happened, he noticed a white bakkie with two men behind him. Then these men grabbed him, assaulted him, took his watch, all his belongings and the battery of the car,” she explained.

Luckily for Stewart, a police car from Eldorado Park travelling in the opposite direction noticed the incident. “The police officers made a U-turn to come and help him and the criminals then ran away,” Dawn added.
”I mean, who does this to another person? This is absurd. Though my husband is at home, he has bruises and is in shock. I want to plead with people to be vigilant.”
The CHRONICLE is still awaiting a police statement from the station commander.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Farm attack Elandslaagte

Sun-25-Sep-16 (Morning) Heavily armed suspects attempted to attack a farmer in the Elandslaagte area. Police have detained 7 out of the 10 suspects and have recovered an R1, Shotgun, .303 rifle, 7.62 rifle, and a pistol (Elandslaagte)

Source: SA Rural Security

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Attack & rape Elandsdrift

23 September 2016

At about 03:30 this morning the control center received a panic alarm from a property in Elandsdrift. Tactical Units responded and on arrival they found that three armed suspects had gained entry into a flat on the premises.  

They entered the flat through the bathroom window and overpowered the sleeping resident and her children. As if this was not enough they then raped the mother and molested her 13-year old daughter.  

When they finished ransacking the flat they took the children to the flat next door and told them to knock and ask for assistance. As soon as the other residents opened, the suspects gained entry and fired two random shots inside the flat. Thankfully nobody was shot.  

Our control center dispatched our partners ER24 who took the woman and child to hospital. The SAPS Provincial Task Team as well as Muldersdrift SAPS immediately got involved. 

The Iron Fist Squad visited the scene to obtain more information and information is shared between all the different SAPS units as well as our squads.  

They are ruthless and now not only shoot but also have started raping women and molesting children. Please be on RED alert. We give you the assurance that we are HUNTING and we will HUNT until we find them.

Source: Drift Reaction CC

Rowers verkrag jong vrou, betas sussie | Maroela Media
24 September 2016   Nico Strydom

ʼn Jong vrou is verkrag en haar suster onsedelik aangerand, tydens ʼn aanval op ʼn hoewe in Elandsdrift, naby Muldersdrift aan die Wes-Rand.

Konst. Gloria Maswanganye, polisiewoordvoerder van Krugersdorp, het gesê drie gewapende mans het Vrydag in die vroeë oggendure toegang deur ʼn badkamersvenster tot ʼn lodge gekry.

Die rowers het ʼn seun op die onderste verdieping aangetref en hom met skoenveters vasgebind. “Hulle is toe na die boonste vloer, waar ʼn ma en haar twee dogters, wat onderskeidelik 21 en 12 jaar oud is, geslaap het.”

Volgens Maswanganye het hulle die 21-jarige dogter verkrag. “Hulle het die 12-jarige se klere uitgetrek, maar sy het so erg geskree, dat hulle haar gelos het.” Die mans het met ʼn skootrekenaar, drie selfone en kontant gevlug en is steeds soek.

Volgens die private veiligheidsmaatskappy, Drift Reaction, is hul beamptes omstreeks 03:30 na die hoewe ontbied.

Friday, September 23, 2016

#TBT: Farm attack: ‘Please Jesus, help us!’

#TBT: Farm attack: ‘Please Jesus, help us!’
Norman and Anne Brown were grateful to escape with their lives after being accosted by three men on their farm.
Tersia Gopi | 2 days ago

Mr Brown sustained severe injuries to his head and eye durin an attack on his farm.

‘Please Jesus, help us!’ – was the desperate plea Mrs Brown made during an ambushed attack on her and her husband at their farm on the D96.

“It was clear they were after money and guns. Other than an iPod, cellphone and other small items, nothing more was taken.”

“As far as I am concerned, the Lord was with us. I was shocked and traumatised, and I could hardly speak, but, I prayed.”

NEWCASTLE – Remember the elderly couple who stared death in the face after being attacked on their farm last September?

Norman and Anne Brown were grateful to escape with their lives after being accosted by three men in intent on robbery.

The attackers left no stone unturned after ransacking the Brown home of 32 years, in efforts to find the whereabouts of the safe keys.

Mr Brown sustained severe injuries to his hands, ear and head. His eye was also badly damaged.

Fortunately for Mrs Brown, she walked away with a bruise to her eyelid and body pains from the attack.

Their chocolate Labrador, Jessie also suffered a gunshot wound in her attempt to ward off the attack on her owners. Luckily for her, the injury was a mere flesh wound.
Amidst the gunshots and chaos that ensued on that fateful night, Mrs Brown believed it was by the grace of God they survived such an ordeal.

“As far as I am concerned, the Lord was with us. I was shocked and traumatised, and I could hardly speak, but, I prayed.”

Read the full story here:
FARM ATTACK: Victims relive the violent invasion
Norman and Anne Brown stared death in the face when they were ambushed at their farm on the D96
Nicole Collett | September 24, 2015

The perpetrators pummelled Norman on the head with the butt of the gun.

Unmasked and armed; three suspects on the prowl in the dead of night.
Norman and Anne Brown stared death in the face when they were ambushed at their farm on the D96 on September 19.
Returning home just after 11.15pm, the Browns noticed an Eskom pole on the property was sparking.

“They reversed and shone their lights; I assume the people who were in the house [intruders] must have seen this. I think this probably made them uneasy,” explained their son, Darrel Brown.

When they arrived at the door, they realised the lights they usually leave on, were off. In their minds, the faulty pole was likely linked to the apparent outage.
Mrs Brown doubled back and switched on a light in one of the flats.
Oblivious to what he was about to walk into, Mr Brown entered their home of 32 years.
The family’s chocolate Labrador, Jessie, bolted into the kitchen; aggressive and on a mission.

“As my dad switched the lights on, two suspects came at him from around the corner,” claimed Darrel. “They instructed him to lie down and a shot went off.”

Outside, Mrs Brown realised what was happening and attempted to contact Darrel.
“One of the suspects came out and grabbed my mother around the neck.”
Jessie rushed to Mrs Brown’s side, desperate to ward off the brutal attack on her owners.

“Two shots were fired, and Jessie was shot,” said Darrel.

The suspects manhandled Mrs Brown into the house. Amid the scuffle, they repeatedly asked the Browns for ‘the keys’.
The suspects pummelled Mr Brown on the head with butt of the gun, kicking and trampling him as blood gushed from the wound.
Mr Brown explained a fourth shot went off, missing him by only a few centimetres.
“My dad got up and they searched his pockets, where they found the car keys that are still missing.
He then saw the third guy, who was hiding around the corner,” alleged Darrel.
The suspects forced the Browns into their bedroom, where they pushed and shoved the elderly couple, again requesting they hand over the keys.
“They obviously agreed to give them the keys, but my father couldn’t remember where he’d left them.”
Ransacking the home, the attackers left no stone unturned in their efforts to find the safe’s key. They managed to physically remove one of the hefty safes, but were unable to crack its iron barriers.
“It is clear they were after money and guns. Other than an iPod, cellphone and other small items, nothing more was taken.”
The perpetrators threatened to kill Mrs Brown, using a hammer they had picked up as their weapon of choice.
“They kept saying to both of us, ‘we’ll shoot you, we’ll shoot you’. One of them told me to sit down, and I told him I couldn’t because I was looking for the keys,” explained a soft-spoken, Mrs Brown.
Mrs Brown began praying aloud, begging God to intervene. She repeated the words, ‘Please Jesus, help us!’

“As far as I am concerned, the Lord was with us. I was shocked and traumatised, and I could hardly speak, but, I prayed.”

The third suspect reappeared briefly and said something that prompted the intruders to make a run for it.
“I locked the bedroom door. They took Norman’s phone in the patio area, but left it behind because the battery had died. Luckily, we keep a charger in the room, and I was able to contact Darrel.”
Darrel and his son, Stephen arrived in separate vehicles within minutes. In the meantime, his wife, Karen, contacted police.
“I phoned one or two of the farmers I could get a hold of and a radio alert went out,” said Darrel. “My main focus was to get there and protect them.”
The suspects escaped on foot and disappeared before police could arrive.
Eventually, more than 40 residents gathered at the Brown estate, united in their support of fellow farmers.
The family was grateful to police, who arrived on scene promptly and showed the utmost compassion and concern towards them.
Ithemba Security staff members walked spoor, hoping to trace the scent of the brazen criminals.
However, their efforts were in vain.

“You always hear about these things , but you never expect it to happen to you. We’re very worried, and unsure whom we can trust,” said Mr Brown.

Mrs Brown sustained bruising to her eyelid, and said her body was very sore.
Mr Brown’s hands, ear and head also are severely bruised. In addition, his eye was badly damaged in the attack.
Regardless, the couple of 54 years remain in good spirits, despite the circumstances.
“Once police had taken the necessary statements, Norman was taken to MediClinic Newcastle, were he got three stitches in his head,” explained Mrs Brown.
Jessie was rushed to Ncandu Animal Clinic, where veterinarians did everything they could to save her life.
The gunshot resulted in a mere flesh wound, and their furry fighter was able to return home on September 21.
The incident is currently subject to investigations, with police following up on every lead possible.
In conclusion, the family thanked the farming community and police for their continued support and assistance.

“Farmers need to start looking at security more seriously; we are sitting ducks,” concluded Darrel.

Jodi van Heerden (19) kidnapped and assaulted

19-year-old miraculously escapes her kidnappers

22 September 2016

Jodi van Heerden (19) jumped from a black SUV travelling on Wit Road, towards Lodeyko on Thursday afternoon after being assaulted and kidnapped from her house in Grace Avenue, Selection Park.
She returned home after visiting a bank at 11am in Selcourt, to transfer money, when she was allegedly surprised by her kidnappers.
Her father Barend van Heerden says when she arrived home a black SUV with tinted windows followed her onto the premises.
‘The suspects pushed her into the house and into her bedroom where she was assaulted and pushed into her cupboard,” says van Heerden.
He believes the suspects followed his daughter home from the bank.
She managed to call her sister (aged unknown) and allegedly screamed for help.
Van Heerden says his daughter was taken from the house, pushed into the SUV and the suspects drove off with her towards Wit Road.
“She jumped from the vehicle, ran across an open field and into a day care centre, where she collapsed,” he says.
A woman from the centre called van Heerden to inform him that his daughter was safe.
“We are relieved that she is safe, but my daughter is severely traumatised,” he says.
He says she was due to go on an overseas trip next week, but they don’t know yet what is going to happen.
EMPD officer Louis Els and the police were still at the scene at 6pm.
Van Heerden says he is grateful to Barries Barnard and the members from Hi5Kids Recovery Unit for their support and he is proud of the police and EMPD for their quick response.
Barnard says the house was ransacked and the suspects took the woman’s purse, tablet and a laptop.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Danie van Reenen (51) shot.


“Another robber held a security guard and the centre manager at gunpoint. I ran back to the bathroom and locked myself inside until it was safe to come out again.”
September 22, 2016

A Centurion man shot at Eldoraigne Village shopping centre on Tuesday was attacked for his Rolex watch.

Danie van Reenen (51) and his wife Ulandie had finished shopping when Ulandie said she had to visit the loo.

“We got into the car and went to the underground parking area where I got out and went to the bathroom.”

While Ulandie was in the toilet she heard a gunshot, but thought it was a firecracker.

“With the second shot, I heard my husband’s voice very loudly.”

Ulandie said she went outside and saw two armed men in a brawl with her husband.

“Another robber held a security guard and the centre manager at gunpoint. I ran back to the bathroom and locked myself inside until it was safe to come out again.”

She said the episode was over within 3 minutes.

“Paramedics were on the scene within 6 minutes.”

Ulandie said an older lady sitting in her car and a cleaner saw everything.

“The armed robbers weren’t interested in anything other than my husband’s Rolex watch. They didn’t take anything else.”

The first shot missed but the second one hit Danie in the stomach. He underwent an emergency operation for three hours on Tuesday to have the bullet removed.

“Unfortunately the doctors were unable to remove the bullet because it is stuck in the pelvis.”

Source: Police Pics and Clips

Read more:

Kyle De la Rey aangeval


Twee verdagtes is in 'n huis in Kammapark betrap nadat hulle vanoggend die twintigjarige Kyle De la Rey oorval het.

De la Rey het die voordeur van die huis oopgemaak nadat die verdagtes geklop het.

"Die een man het vir my ma se selnommer gevra. Toe ek dit vir hom gee het hy gesê die nommer is verkeerd want daar is 11 syfers. 

"Die tweede man het vir water gevra en toe ek dit bring het hulle na my met 'n mes gesteek." - ROSLYN BAATJIES


’n Koerantverkoper (44) van The Herald en ’n tuinier (27) is vandag by ’n huis in Kammapark in hegtenis geneem nadat hulle die 20-jarige Kyle de la Rey in sy huis oorval en beroof het.

De la Rey glo dat die polisie se flink optrede te danke is aan sy ouma wat hulle vanuit ’n kamer op die boonste verdieping, waar sy glo weggekruip het, gebel het.

’n Bebloede De la Rey het aan ons verslaggewer vertel hoe hy deur die rowers met 'n mes in die hand gesteek is. - ROSLYN BAATJIES


Die Burger Oos-Kaap

Ian Du Randt attacked at his Westville home

Westville father tackles robbers to protect family
A bullet from the robber’s gun nicked Ian Du Randt’s toe on his left foot during an attempted home robbery in Maryvale Road on Wednesday, 21 September.
22 Sepetmber 2016

Westville resident, Ian Du Randt, was injured during an armed robbery at his home on Wednesday morning.

A WESTVILLE man who was injured during an attempted robbery at his home in Maryvale Road yesterday has called on the respective authorities to beef up security in the area.

Ian Du Randt, managing director at Compass Medical Waste Services, said he was awakened by the sound of his neighbour’s dog barking between 1.30am and 2am. He said the bark was not normal and was further intrigued when his three German Shepard puppies also started barking strangely. The intensity of the barks was so great that Ian got out of bed and went to the lounge, he unlocked the Trellidor gate and was about to unlock the aluminium door when he noticed a man hiding behind his pool wall.

    “A man wearing a black balaclava and three others, whom I did not see at first, starting running towards me. The second guy had a gun and I knew I wouldn’t be able to close the door in time so I tackled the first guy into the pool,” said Du Randt.

The pool had a safety net which protected them from drowning. The robber jumped out from the other side of the pool. Du Randt thought he cut his toe on his left foot in the pool net but realised that a bullet had nicked his toe. Du Randt said he couldn’t point out when the gun had gone off during the scuffle.

“The second or third robber grabbed my wife but she slipped on the water from the pool. By then, my son (32) came in with a bat and pushed the robbers over the pool wall. I’m sure they realised that we weren’t going to give up, so they fled,” said Du Randt.

The robbers escaped the same way they entered his property, by climbing over the fence on the side of the next door property which is used to store municipal equipment.

The Du Randt family screamed for help and alerted their neighbours who then notified the authorities.

    “I am thankful to have been able to protect my wife. I strongly believe that had I not tackled the first guy, I don’t know what would have happened to my wife, she could have been shot,” said Du Randt.

He added that the lesson learnt is that we all need to be more vigilant and this incident is a wake up call for all residents to check their security systems at home and make sure they are in working order.

He also appealed to the municipality to cut the grass on its property which serves as a haven for criminals. According to Du Randt, four other homes were robbed in the area this week.

With the gruesome and fatal attacks in Westville recently, Du Randt said, “These brazen criminals are not backing off so the police and armed response teams in the area need to make a concerted effort to catch them. We should all take a zero-tolerance approach to crime.”

Woman in her mid-seventies fights back

Woman in her mid-seventies fights back
She allegedly hit the suspects with the sjambok.
2 hours ago

A woman in her mid-seventies almost got shot in a scuffle between her and a number of intruders on Wednesday, 21 September at about 5pm.

It is believed the woman and her daughter were in their house when the mother heard noises coming from another room. She grabbed her sjambok and went to investigate – and found three unknown men in the room. When she allegedly hit the suspects with the sjambok, one of them took out a firearm and fired a shot in her direction, but missed.

The intruders fled through the broken window they’d used to gain entry.

“The Krugersdorp Police advise community members not to engage or fight with these criminals,” said Sergeant Tshepiso Mashale, the Krugersdorp Police spokesperson. “It is for their own safety.”
No injuries were reported.

The Krugersdorp Police are appealing to the community to come forward with any information that could lead them to the suspects.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

‘Ystervrou’ sterf ná gewapende roof | Maroela Media
21 September 2016   Phillip Bruwer
Rina Pringle. Foto: Via Facebook

Rina Pringle, ʼn veiligheidsbeampte van Delmas in Mpumalanga, en ʼn kollega, Joseph Coombe, is Dinsdag in die plaasdorpie Sundra buite Delmas tydens ʼn gewapende roof geskiet.

Wilma Greeff, ʼn noodhulpbeampte van die plaaslike buurtwag, die Sundra Rietkol Bulldogs, was van die eerste noodhulpbeamptes op die toneel.

Sy het aan Maroela Media gesê Coombe en Pringle is glo in hul veiligheidsvoertuig deur drie voertuie – ʼn Volvo, ʼn bakkie en ʼn Mercedes Benz – agtervolg en omstreeks 10:00 in Tweede Laan deur die voertuie tot stilstand gedwing.

ʼn Onbekende hoeveelheid mans het op die veiligheidsbeamptes losgebrand en nagenoeg 44 skote is afgevuur.

“Die vrou is met een skoot in die passasierskant van die veiligheidsmotor aangetref. Die man is vyf keer geskiet en het buite die voertuig rondgeloop toe ons daar aankom,” het Greeff gesê. Sy het gesê Coombe kon glo daarin slaag om twee van die aanvallers met sy vuurwapen te wond. Die gewondes se medepligtiges het hulle op die agterkant van die bakkie gelaai voordat hulle van die toneel weggejaag het. Dis is nog nie duidelik of die groep kon slaag om enigiets tydens die voorval te roof nie.

Die noodhulpwerkers en paramedici van verskeie nooddienste het Coombe en Pringle op die toneel gestabiliseer en na ʼn hospitaal geneem vir verdere behandeling. Pringle het in die Life The Glenwood-hospitaal in Benoni aan haar beserings beswyk.

Die polisie en buurtwag het ʼn spoor van die Volvo gevolg, maar later verloor. Die verdagtes is steeds soek.

Greeff het namens haar man, Hennie Greeff, die buurtwag se voorsitter, paramedici van die Bernice Samuel-staatshospitaal in Delmas, Medlife en ER24 bedank. Hulle het ook hul dank uitgespreek teenoor die Sundra-polisie wat spoedig op die toneel was, asook alle buurtwaglede wat na die verdagtes help soek het.

Die buurtwag het hul innige simpatie met Pringle se familie, vriende en kollegas betuig en Coombe ʼn spoedige herstel toegewens.

Gemeenskapslede beskryf Pringle as ʼn “ystervrou” wat “ongelooflik lojaal” en “uitmuntend en toegewyd” was in haar werk.

Bestuur van die beamptes se veiligheidsmaatskappy was nie dadelik vir kommentaar beskikbaar nie. Die maatskappy het die voorval op hul Facebook-blad bevestig.

“Dit is met groot hartseer dat ons almal meedeel dat ons afskeid neem van Rina Pringle wat vroeër vandag [Dinsdag] noodlottig gewond is tydens ʼn gewapende roof. Joseph Coombe is tans in die hospitaal en word behandel vir skietwonde. Sy toestand is ernstig maar stabiel. Ons meegevoel gaan saam met Rina se familie in hierdie moeilike tyd. Dankie vir almal se ondersteuning en bemoediging.”

Maroela Media het navraag by die polisie gedoen en wag vir terugvoer.
Mense wil maar net met julle deel daar was n geskietery vroer in Rietkol Sundra 2de laan, blykbaar was daar n paar voertuie betrokke waar hul die sekiriteits bakkie beroof het en die mense raak geskiet het, ons eesrste hulp span saam met die ER24 het als in ons vermoe gedoen om die pasiente te stabiliseer ongelukkig het Rina die sekiriteits dame dit nie gemaak nie sy is oorlede in die hospitaal, die oom is sop geneem sal julle terug voer gee sodra ons terug voering kry kom ons bid vir die families kom ons bid vir ons en ons gemeenskap kom ons staan saam en dryf sulke gebeure uit ons dorpie uit !!!!

Sundra Rietkol Bulldogs Buurtwag

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Chris de Beer shot in the leg

Fri-16-Sep-16 (01H15) Chris de Beer shot in the leg by 2 suspects on a farm in the Eurasmia area of Centurion. The victim checked to see why his dogs were barking and when he opened for them to go outside he was shot in the upper leg. The victim went back into the house followed by 2 suspects who fired into the ceiling. Suspects fled with a laptop, mobile phones. It was discovered that the suspects gained entrance to the yard by cutting the fence behind the house. Community and SAPS reacted to the incident and followed the tracks to rocky ground where they were lost. Victim was moved to hospital (GP, Tshwane Municipality, Eurasmia, Centurion, Hennopsrivier)

SA Rural Security:

Man buite plaashuis geskiet

ʼn Man is Vrydag in die vroeë oggendure op ʼn kleinhoewe in die Erasmia-omgewing in die weste van Centurion geskiet, nadat hy geluide buite gehoor en ondersoek gaan instel het.
Izak Pieters, voorsitter van die plaaslike AfriForum-buurtwag wat ook op die toneel was, het aan Maroela Media gesê Chris De Beer het omstreeks 01:15 wakker geword van sy honde wat blaf. Hy het geluide buite gehoor en die deur oopgemaak sodat die honde kan uitgaan voordat hy self ook buitentoe gegaan het.
“Toe hy uitstap, het hulle twee skote op hom geskiet. Een was mis, maar die tweede een het hom in sy bobeen getref,” het Pieters gesê. “Hy het terug in die huis in en op met die trappe na die tweede verdieping van die huis gehardloop. Terselfdertyd het twee verdagtes die huis ingekom en sommer lukraak ʼn paar skote in die plafon geskiet.”
Volgens Pieters het die twee rowers met ʼn skootrekenaar, twee selfone en ʼn paar ander items op die vlug geslaan. Dit het later aan die lig gekom dat hulle die heining agter die huis stukkend geknip het om in die erf te kom.
“Chris het hulp ontbied en die polisie, nooddienste en ʼn privaat veiligheidsmaatskappy was op die toneel. Ons het die spore van die aanvallers gevolg tot daar waar dit by ʼn rotsagtige gedeelte weggeraak het,” het Pieters gesê.
De Beer is ná die voorval in die hospitaal opgeneem en het Vrydagoggend aan Maroela Media gesê hy wag nog om te hoor of hy geopereer sal word.
Kapt. Thomas Mufamadi, polisiewoordvoerder, het die voorval aan Maroela Media bevestig en gesê ʼn saak van huisroof en poging tot moord word ondersoek.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Booswigte oorval gesin

Rowers oorval gesin

14 Sep 2016 By Martie Le Grange  
MOKOPANE – ’n Gesin is erg getraumatiseerd nadat hulle Woensdagoggend by hulle huis in die dorp deur vyf gewapende rowers oorval en van R80 000 asook hul Volkswagen Kombi, Isuzu bakkie, twee vuurwapens en huishoudelike items beroof is.
Mokopane polisiewoordvoerder, sersant Irene Masingi het in haar korrespondensie met Noordelike Nuus gesê die man van die gesin is 05:00 die oggend uit die huis om hulle onderneming in die dorp vir die werknemers oop te sluit toe hy skielik deur vyf gemaskerde mans oorval, aangerand en terug in die huis gedwing is. Die verdagtes was gewapen met twee handwapens en twee messe.
Die gesin se twee kinders, 3 en 8 jaar oud, is in die huis se badkamer saam met hulle pa, wat vasgebind is, gelos. Geld is van hulle ma geëis. Sy is in die gesig geslaan nadat sy met geen geld vorendag gekom het nie. Die verdagtes het haar gedreig. Sy het toe, volgens die polisie verslag, met een van die mans na die gesin se besigheid gery waar sy die geld gaan haal en vir hom gegee het. Die verdagte het met die vrou se Volkswagen ontsnap.
Sy het een van die besigheid se voertuie gebruik, die sekuriteitsmaatskappy ontbied en huis toe gery.
Na haar aankoms by die huis is sy ingelig dat die ander verdagtes met haar man se Isuzu op die vlug geslaan het. Reaksielede van die Suricat Sekuriteit het haar man losgemaak en die gesin bygestaan.
Die voertuie is later verlate deur die polisie onderskeidelik op die N11 en in Parkmore, Gauteng, gevind.
Die polisie doen ’n beroep op enige iemand met inligting wat hulle kan help met hul ondersoek in die saak om vir kaptein Smith te kontak by 082 565 8277. 

Die Volkswagen Kombi van ’n gesin in die dorp wat Dinsdagoggend beroof is, is dieselfde dag deur die polisie in Parkmore, Gauteng gevind. Die gesteelde Isuzu bakkie is verlate op die N11 gevind

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Aanvallers slaan bejaarde so hard dat hy bloed opgooi

Inbrekers slaan bejaarde so hard dat hy bloed opgooi
Die voorval het plaasgevind toe drie inbrekers toegeslaan het op ’n bejaarde egpaar se huis.
15 September 2016

Inbrekers het Dinsdagoggend ’n bejaarde man so hard met ’n breekyster (crowbar) oor die kop geslaan dat hy bloed opgegooi het.
Die voorval het plaasgevind toe drie inbrekers toegeslaan het op ’n bejaarde egpaar se huis in Bertie Meyer Singel, Minnebron.
Volgens die egpaar se 40-jarige seun, het sy ouers ongeveer 4.30vm wakker geword van ’n lawaai by die agterdeur.
“My pa (65) het gaan ondersoek instel en gesien dat die agterdeur en veiligheidshek oopgebreek was.”
“My ouers het die SAPD, wat redelik gou opgedaag het, gekontak en die lede het die erf en die huis deursoek, maar daar was geen teken van die inbrekers nie.”
Volgens die seun het sy pa homself daarna gereed gekry vir werk en was hy om 5.30vm in die kombuis besig om sy ontbyt te eet.
“My pa is heeltemal onkant betrap toe drie mans by die agterdeur ingebars het.”
“Een het hom dadelik hard met ’n breekyster oor die kop geslaan.”
“My pa is daarna na die sitkamer geneem waar sy hande met die telefoon se draad vasgebind is.”
“Een van die inbrekers het na my ma, wat nog geslaap het, se kamer gegaan en haar beveel om uit die bed te klim.”
“Sy is ook na die sitkamer geneem waar haar hande en voete vasgebind is.”
“Een van die mans het by my ouers gebly terwyl die ander twee waardevolle items asook elektriese ware op my ouers se Corsa bakkie gelaai het.”
“My ma moes vir hulle sê waar die sleutels van die voertuig en die hek is en hulle is vort met die bakkie en die gesteelde goed,” het hul seun vertel.
“My ma kon daarin slaag om haar hande en voete los te maak, waarna sy na buite gegaan het.”
“Bure van hulle was op pad werk toe en sy kon hulle selfoon gebruik aangesien my ouers se fone ook gesteel is.”
Die huiseienaar is na ’n plaaslike hospitaal geneem en is later oorgeplaas na die neurologiese eenheid van ’n hospitaal in Benoni.
“My pa het harsingskudding opgedoen en moes ook steke aan sy kop kry om die wond te heg.”
“Dit gaan beter met hom alhoewel hy ook sukkel met die gehoor in sy een oor.”
Die voorval word deur die SAPD ondersoek.
• Die name van die slagoffers asook hul seun is bekend, maar word om veiligheidsredes nie gepubliseer nie.